The set features cut autographs for subjects such as:
- Mark Twain
- Thomas Edison
- Orville Wright
- Winfield Scott Hancock
- Charlie Chaplin
- Queen Victoria
- King George IV
- Johns Hopkins
- Presidents
- Kings
- Queens
- Industrial Titans
- and more!
This checklist includes relics featuring:
- George Washington
- Alexander Hamilton
- Albert Einstein
- Samuel Colt
- Nikola Tesla
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Thomas Edison
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Thomas Jefferson
- Abraham Lincoln
- Wyatt Earp
- Doc Holliday
- Jesse James
- Mark Twain
- Charles Dickens
- Henry Ford
- Frederick Douglass
- PT Barnum
- Orvile Wright
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alfred Nobel
- Sitting Bull
- Geronimo
- James Naismith
- Claude Monet
- Annie Oakley
- Calamity Jane
- and more!
Entire Checklist Attached to email featuring:
- 100 Different Relic Cards
- 80 Unique Base Cards
Each base card comes in:
- Silver Rainbow
- Red Rainbow /50
- Gold Rainbow /10
Each Relic card comes in:
- Silver Rainbow
- Cracked Ice Foils /1
- 100% trapped relics